Building Update 4/24/19

Building Committee update… 4/24/19
The work of the Building Committee continues. There will be special small group meetings for any
interested to give input into various areas of the planned building construction. The goal is to put together the most clear and tailored plans to foster the ministry vision of this congregation. Once we have completed construction documents based on your vision for ministry, these, along with a financial plan, will be presented at a specially called charge conference. The Building Committee hopes to have the construction documents completed by the end of July.  
Please continue to give your input to any member of the Building Committee as we move forward. It is essential that all members of the congregation stay up-to-date on this work so that together we can make the best possible decision for the future of our church.
Your Building Committee members are:
Rob Pierce, Margo Rogers, Martha Phillips, Mike Walker, Susan Kronoff, Jacque Howard, Rollin Grider, Tim Clarke, Suzanne McMurchie, Billy Stempson and Rev. Dr. Leigh Ann Shaw.

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