Welcome to United Methodist Church of Vista’s volunteer and job opportunities hub!
Here, you’ll discover ways to connect with our community and contribute to our shared mission. Whether you’re interested in volunteering your time or exploring employment opportunities, we have options to suit your availability and passion. Join us in spreading love, compassion, and faith as we make a positive impact on the world around us.
Thank you for considering becoming a part of our journey. Together, we can create a meaningful difference
Volunteer Opportunities
• “and Two Fishes”/Helping Hands would appreciate donations of “gently” used clothing for our homeless population. A container in the Narthex is provided for collection. Also, volunteers are needed for the 2 p.m. shift on Thursdays. For more information, see Loretta Pierce.
• Sound and Video techs needed. Contact the church office for more information.
Employment Opportunities
Children’s Ministry Coordinator

We are seeking a Children Ministry Coordinator. We recently completed a building project, which increased our available space for ministry and we are looking for an energetic  person who wants to share grace, fun, and help expand the ministries offered to our families and children. Please contact Melissa xGiard (melissag@umcvista.org or call the church office at 760.726.0442) for more information.

Interested in learning more about getting involved? Interested in posting an opportunity not listed here?  Please visit our calendar or call our church office at 760.726.0442.