A Word from Your Gap Team & Consultant Mary Scifres – March 2018

A Word from Your Gap Team & Consultant Mary Scifres

March 2018 Update

We were so energized and inspired by the congregation’s insightful and enthusiastic participation in our January visioning retreat. We know that some of you want us moving forward at a sprint, and others prefer a snail’s pace, so we’re trying to navigate a marathon ministry plan that moves forward at a quick clip – meaning we plan to have a Ministry Plan to present to you for your review and approval later this spring, sometime in the Easter season (which runs all of April and May this year). We imagine a day not too far in our church’s future when our campus is so busy and our impact so huge in Vista that we are in service to others seven days a week, rooms are constantly buzzing with loving energy as we put our faith in action, and the community knows and trusts that we are a hub of inclusion, loving ministry, and collaborative connection in serving the needs of Vista and North County. Wherever God calls us and however we answer that call, we want to maintain our identity as the United Methodist Church of Vista, always keeping God’s call, and purpose and vision for our church at the center. Yes, this means we are discussing our current building and campus, and how it can best serve as a supportive infrastructure for ministry. Yes, we are talking about current ministries and dreaming about future ministries. And, we are celebrating the church’s impact in 2017 and 2018, even as we envision a greater impact for 2019, 2020 and beyond. As we continue developing a ministry plan and discerning how best to support and live into that plan, we look forward to even more input and insight from you. Please join us this month at one of the many small group gatherings that your GAP Team will be hosting in homes and at church to listen for your ideas, answer your questions, and continue our prayerful discernment about where Christ calls us to serve and how best to answer that call!

More information and details available in the church of ce, on the website, or during Sunday morning announcements. As always, feel free to contact Consultant Mary Scifres or any member of the GAP Team with your ideas, questions, and insights about the mission and ministry plan of UMC Vista!

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