Youth Ministries



Vision Statement: 

The vision for our youth is to give them a voice and to let them know they matter, to provide young people with a place where they feel welcome, accepted, and safe, and to offer them support in all phases of their spiritual journey.


Mission Statement:

The youth group of Vista UMC is dedicated and passionate about giving back to the community. They would like to have a voice in their spiritual journey and trust that the love, kindness, respect, and  forgiveness will be returned from the community as they develop into self-reliant adults that become the leaders of tomorrow.


Youth Group Study

First Sunday of the month Join us for the MAIN EVENT, play games and eat together. Grow your faith and develop a relationship with Christ through a lesson and hands-on learning activity. Learn more about ourselves and God.


If your youth wishes to participate in our youth program, please click here to find corresponding forms