More Than Calendaring

More Than Calendaring… Pastor’s Ponderings – November 2018
We shared time as a staff on October 23! A special thank you to Heidi Kendall and her family for the space to gather at a beach house in Carlsbad! And thank you to the Staff-Parish Relations Committee for providing snacks and lunch! We are deeply grateful for your support.
During our retreat time we worked with Kathy Cueve and Bob Bowen on modalities of health and wellness. We practiced taking care of ourselves, so that we can love and support our church family. After lunch, we reviewed the 2018-2019 calendar and went through every month. We brainstormed meetings, classes, concerts and events. We have more things we want to do than will fit on the calendar. We are excited but can’t do anything without you.
During 2018 our church affirmed a Ministry Action Plan (M.A.P.) which defines the passions of our church and looks for ways and events to do the work God has called us to. Justice, Faith and Hospitality are the trio of foci that our congregation has named in different ways. Of course these three issues are very broad in scope and some folks are concerned with one and not the others. The truth is that you don’t need to be concerned with all of them. I do hope there is something in the mix where you see yourself though. I hope you feel inspired by God to work in one or two areas of ministry and service.
Did you noticed that we changed the name of the Education committee to the Discipleship and Education team? That’s because education is general study, but discipleship is what Christians do to learn about Jesus. Everyone studies and gets educated, but Christians learning to follow Jesus is what disciples do. We are also trying to bring our leadership roster and budget into alignment with our Ministry Action Plan. This will take a little while to work out, and take many eyes and conversations to get it done. As we look to develop our budget for 2019, our finance committee believes our goals for ministry should drive the work.
There is a lot going on and our staff is so excited to look into the future. I hope you are excited too!
Don’t forget to get your flu shot and get plenty of rest! We are an excited community of faith on the move.
Pastor Leigh Ann

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